Paris International Cooking School
(Photos are from French Provincial Cooking Classes, we will add photos from this course.)

Famous Chefs Recipes Cooking Class

In this new 4-week cooking class, three recipes from famous celebrated chefs will be explored each week. This course runs two intakes each term.
During 1st intake (week 1 to 4), we will bring recipes from old famous French Chefs (French Culinary History). During 2nd intake (week 5 to 8), we will concentrate on contemporary French Chefs whom are today influencing the ways of life and daily cooking and dining of today's people in Australia.

Our menu sets (sets of recipes) for this class:

More menu sets will be available

Special Offer

Book both Intakes of this course and receive special price of $340 (total), save $30. (One apron.)

We rotate different sets of menus (recipes) each term. For full list of menus, please refer to this Menu Listing page


To enrol into this class, you can simply enrol yourself online with our secure website, give us a call or fill in the enrolment form (printed version). (More information on enrolment.)
Classes are run subject to acquiring minimum numbers. Maximum number of students per class is 6.

what to bring

For the first session, please do not eat too much before the class, and bring two tea towels as cooking will be involved. Meal will be consumed at end of the class. From second week onwards, students are required to bring an apron, two tea towels, food containers and fresh ingredients (detailed list will be provided weekly).

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We also provide French Provincial Cooking Class and French Seasonal Cooking Class
Similar to this class, with more menus (traditionally) designed for the season. Each term, the menus are selected for the right season (e.g. spring, winter), instead of regional based.


No surcharges on credit cards.