Updated (20 May 2023)
New short course starting this June
After being unable to run any cooking classes/workshops due to car accident
(in January 2020) and COVID lockdown, we are planning on resuming some cooking workshops.
In our first return of teaching, we are running
Knife Sharpening (2.5-hour Short Course)
Please check out the page for the dates and times.
What happened
In January 2020 (before COVID made the news), we had a serious motor accident in New Zealand. Laurent suffered life-threatening injuries (from head to toe). He was airlifted to Waikato Hospital and was in intensive care unit for 2+ weeks.
He then spent a further 6 more weeks in hospital wards before being medically flown back to Sydney just before border closure. He then spent about 2 week in RPA hospital and a further 3+ months as inpatient in Rehab Hospital.
Upon releasing as impatient from Rehab hospital, he then receive another 18 months as outpatient in rehab facility.
Laurent has partially recovered from car accident, and he is looking forwards to gradually restarting Cooking Workshops (and Classes) teaching in Paris Cooking School in Stanmore.
We look forward to welcome you back as soon as we can.
UPDATE (May 2023)
After long recovery from car accident (and COVID), we will bring back some cooking workshops in near feature and possibly weekly Cooking Classes in the future.
Thank you for being patient with us.
We look forward to see you.

We are now on Facebook!
Follow us on Facebook for School updates and more. We will be uploading photos for Facebook progressively.
For more details about our 2-hour or 2.5-hour short cooking course, please
refer to this page.
Want to organise Cooking Workshops/Team Buildings with us? We offer fun and knowledgable cooking activities (from 2-hour to 6-hour) for your group, either on our premises or at your venue. Contact us for more details.
timetable for our programs:
We aim to resume those as soon as we can.
We aim to resume those as soon as we can.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, all Teenager Workshops are cancelled.
We apologise for any inconveniences caused.
We might bring back Teenager Cooking Classes in the future.
Please see our
School Section for more detail.

You can
subscribe to our free update and get updates on our program and timetable. We promise we won't send you more than 6 emails in a year.
complementary recipes
Strawberry Panna Cotta with Strawberry Coulis Recipe available online. Support strawberry farmers.
free recipes
past events

We ran
free Pears Cooking Demonstration and Tasting at our premises.

Italian Cooking Demonstration at
Leichhardt Library, 10am - 12pm, Tuesday 24th May 2011.
(RSVP (02) 9367 9266)
French Cooking Demonstration at
Balmain Library, 10am - 12pm, Thursday 26th May 2011.
(RSVP (02) 9367 9211)

You can subscribe to our timetable onto your iPad, iPhone, iPot touch or iCal (on Mac OS X).

Looking for gift ideas?
Our Gift Voucher is good for all occasions. Call us on (02)9518 1066 to arrange one.