Fees can be paid by credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, and American Express), cheque, postal order, or cash (only to be paid at the School).
If you'd like to pay by credit card or PayPal, you can print and fill out this form (below) and fax it back to us on (02) 9560 2443 or mail it to PO Box 72, Annandale NSW 2038. Credit card surcharge applies.
If you prefer to pay by cheque or postal order, you can fill out the following Class/Workshop Enrolment Form and mail it with the payment to PO Box 72, Annandale NSW 2038.
Fill out Class/Workshop Enrolment Form.
Payment must be received within a week and before the commence of the class/workshop to secure the space. In the unlikely event that a class/workshop is not running, we will offer you a transfer to another class or another term, or refund you the payment. This is due to recent enrolment issues, we regret to set up this new condition.
Please be advised. You will need Adobe Reader (formally known as Adobe Acrobat Reader, free) to read and print the booking form.
The Class/Workshop Booking Form will need to be posted back to us OR faxed back (detail included in the form).

For all enquries, please feel free to call us on (02) 9518 1066 or (mobile) 0413 398 371, or simply email us.